

先祝褔 梁靜茹 完成終身大事,從他開始唱彩虹就很喜歡她,但我是屬於默默支持型,所以沒有特別關注他的身家什麼的,看到是李宗盛大哥帶著她出嫁有點訝異(這不是重點)

這MV真的很棒,看了好感動,由其在新郎跟新娘說出 Yes, I do. 還有向對方說出心理話的時候,真得好棒!

梁靜茹很美不用多說了,VERA WANG 的禮服,看了就好嫉妒呀 >"<


於地點在長灘島,所以整個碧海藍天好美呀~ (台灣似乎沒有海灘乾淨到可以辦婚禮,翡翠灣褔華似乎也沒有這樣的服務)

整個片子剪接的很棒,Mayad studios是菲律賓當地婚攝公司,有一整個專業團隊作業,也接受各地婚攝紀錄





來源:Mayad studios 官方部落格


Boracay Philippines
Discovery Shores
Gown : Vera Wang
Coordinator: Amanda Tirol

For about a year we’ve been traveling like crazy from one country to another. We’ve seen a lot of amazing places, breathtaking views and serene beaches, met a lot of people and covered a lot of destination weddings, but, nothing beats white powdered sands, calm blue waters and a perfect sunset view. …It is the beach that is the closest to our hearts… Where else but in the beautiful island of Boracay, Philippines. True to what I wrote earlier, it is indeed the most perfect place to tie the knot. There is something about the island that makes everyone feel at home. Probably the ambiance and warm hospitality of the locals and, of course, the after wedding parties are always a blast.. A recent wedding in Boracay actually proves my point.

Here’s one of Fish Leong’s Music Video


See the articles :

In a world of stars and celebrities, who would ever think that we would meet such funny, humble and amazing people? The first time we heard that we are going to be covering the wedding of one of the hottest stars in Taiwan and Malaysia, we were so giddy and excited. I’m talking about none other than Fish Leong and Tony Chao. It was an intimate and truly heartfelt experience, especially, since it was done at the beautiful island of Boracay Philippines. Everybody and everything looked so perfect during that day thanks to the best coordinator in Boracay, Amanda Tirol.

We know words cannot describe the magical feeling we had when they tied the knot, so why don’t we share with you the SDE we made just for them.


Fish Leong and Tony Chao from Mayad Studios on Vimeo.


Mayad studios 官方部落格:


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